A little love for the Jackalope
I have become quite intrigued with Jackalopes recently. This is partly because I can't decide if I love deer or bunnies more, but mostly because folktales and legends of mythical creatures completely fascinate me. The Jackalope is an animal of North American myth and I only stumbled across its' story on one of my Pinterest marathons (pinning seems to be the only activity I can sustain without distraction these days!) According to wise old Wikipedia, The story of the Jackalope was "popularised in Wyoming in the 1930s after a local hunter used taxidermy skills to graft deer antlers onto a jackrabbit carcass." The myth of the Jackalope, said to be a hybrid of pygmy deer and "killer rabbit" is claimed to be painfully shy, able to imitate the human voice and produce magical milk. This fantastical creature has penetrated pop culture throughout the years but most people write off the myth as pure nonsense. Having said that there are references to a horned rabbit in Huichol oral tradition and in folklore of many Northern European countries (like the German Wolpertinger), so I'm going to choose to believe that it is perfectly possible there are antler crowned rabbits hopping around the world ---after all I believe in unicorns! So, having decided Jackalopes are the perfect compromise in choosing between deer or rabbit adorned clothing, you may find a Jackalope print in a Book of Deer collection one day! In the meantime whet your appetite for Jackalope themed things with these adorable creations I've discovered on my Internetting!

Happy Jackalope hunting!