Book of Deer x Nora Finds
Can you believe it's nearly December? I hope you are all getting excited about Christmas because I am well and truly in the festive mood! Some might say I've peaked too early but I am very susceptible to clever marketing and the Xmas ads are tugging my heartstrings all over the place. Have you seen the John Lewis ad this year? If you have you are probably sick of hashtag Monty, but if you haven't its a must-see and I give you permission to leave my page and go watch it now.
Life is busy as always with Book of Deer. I am quite chuffed with myself this week because I have finally finished all the artwork for Autumn Winter 2015. I sooo wish I could reveal the theme or give you a print sneak peek but that would really spoil the fun come February. I will give you a hint though, think lights! Book of Deer will be exhibiting at Pure London next year. It is our first UK tradeshow so I am rather nervous and excited about it. If you would like to visit our booth, we will be at A18 in the Spirit Section.. drop me an email and I will gladly send you an invite. Hope to see you there!
I have also been devoting some time to illustration commissions. As you know, illustration is a big part of the Book of Deer brand as all our prints are lovingly hand-drawn. I was really flattered when Nora of blog Nora Finds approached me to give her blog the Book of Deer treatment. Nora gave me complete creative license to design her a logo and banner and was an absolute delight to draw. Nora has a really unique style that is in its essence vintage-inspired but also colourful and quite cinematic, what I love most about her style is that she always keeps it fun. The fact that Nora is a molecular biologist makes her all the more fascinating!
