Fresh Out of the Oven ~ SS15 Country Kitchen
If you are frequent visitor to this website you may have noticed I unveiled Book of Deer's Spring Summer 2015 collection last week. 'Country Kitchen' takes inspiration from homemaking nostalgia and 1950's day dresses. You'll find dresses patterned with Aga ovens, silverware and clothes pegs, blouses decorated with miniature cutlery charms and embroidered peter-pan collars.

Book of Deer 'Country Kitchen' is a chance for me to live out my culinary fantasies the only way I know how- through creating an imaginary world in illustrative prints. Country Kitchen presents a visually palatable, dreamily rustic kitchen life that could not be more different from my own stressful experiences in the kitchen. I love the idea of swanning around a large wooden table hand-decorating cakes while simultaneously stirring soup on the stove. I can't say I'm inspired to change my cooking ways despite months studying Aga ovens and vintage cutlery, but next summer you will likely find me boiling my instant noodles in a dress adorned with jam jars and at least pretending to enjoy it!

I hope Book of Deer's SS15 collection appeals to the kitchen goddess in you too!