As the world gets ready to usher in a new year, I always take a bit of time to reflect on the year that has past. 2013 treated me pretty well, there were many hectic, happy, exciting moments. 2013 marked my first year producing two seasonal collections for Book of Deer, I exhibited at my first ever tradeshow, designed a jewellery collection and relocated myself to London. Most importantly, I am a touch more confident about running this little business of mine. I feel a slight apprehension that 2014 is upon us already. It still sounds far off into the future and I feel somehow not quite modern enough for it. As I am exposed and connected to more makers, bloggers and artists on the internet and on my travels, I have an increasing appreciation for the slower-paced creatives out there. The laboured love behind hand-painted pottery, colour pencil portraits and street art reminds me to keep my focus on why I started Book of Deer. Book of Deer was borne from my love of illustration, story-telling and fantasy. In the galloping speed of garment production cycles I have sometimes forgotten to savour and enjoy the time I take to draw Book of Deer's prints. So my resolution for 2014 is to draw more... even for the heck of it... and for the love of it. I shall enjoy drawing again like I used to, not set time schedules on each doodle or only draw within the constraints of Book of Deer's seasonal themes. I think this resolution will be easier to keep than my usual '"sleep before 12am, keep a sunnier outlook on life" (though I will take a stab at those too!)
Happy 2014 to one and all... I hope this year brings you all wonderful new experiences and adventures! Thank you for supporting and following Book of Deer's development throughout 2013. Lots of love to you wherever you are x