A little love from Hong Kong
As most of you know, Hong Kong is home to me. Having spent my formative years here, there is a comforting sense of familiarity and nostalgia within me as I learn to conquer this city as a real live grown up. However, part of the process of settling here again after 6 years away is finding my identity in the city as a fashion designer and not a school kid. This is why local press for Book of Deer means a lot to me. As much as I believe the Book of Deer girl knows no geographical or nationality boundaries, I am pleasantly surprised that HK girls identify with BoD too. You could say Book of Deer’s particular flavour of girly and quirky is not the typical taste around these parts.
The start of 2013 brought me some very much welcomed local press interest.
First up was a spread from one of the best local mags in HK- Milk Magazine. I used to buy Milk as a teen though I can’t read Chinese very well. Milk Mag packs a significant pop culture punch for a weekly magazine, they cover everything from fashion to media and food. I was thrilled to be invited back into their labyrinth offices to style a look from SS13.
I brought along my UV light to get the dress glowing.

I love how the article turned out and am really quite honoured to have been featured alongside some other rising talents in HK.

xx (◡‿◡✿) xx