Spring Summer 2014 - Flower Power

This season Book of Deer embraces flower power and plays on the names of our favourite flowers… Cars atop Carnations, teacups amongst Buttercups, lampshades on Nightshade and foxes along Foxglove stems. This whimsical collection draws inspiration from the carefree, peace-loving ladies of the late 60s and early 70s. A candy hued palette of colour pencil flowers adorn long cotton dresses and breezy blouses. Miniature vinyl records are scattered on chambray pinafores and lightweight Summer jackets. Lampshades on hotpants and vintage beetle cars on wrap skirts, you’ll have to look closely to spot all the hidden details amongst the twisting stems and petals. Shamelessly flowery and nostalgic, Book of Deer SS14 retells the summer of love with a fantasy element. There’s more to the flower bed than meets the eye!